Posted in Message, Our blog, talks

Cabin Fever as the Result of COVID-19

For some reason, the virus appeared and all the schools are closed in Slovakia. The government warns its citizens, that it is necesarry to stay at home and go for shopping in emergency situations only. These steps should prevent us to spread the virus around the country.

Sounds quite good, eh? No school, no responsibilities… But not so fast. Staying in home and not being able to go cycling or meet with friends can quickly lead to cabin fever.

Posted in English, Message, Studies, talks

Who are Our Idols?

After a long period of time I am here agian. (BOOM!) The COVID-19 stopped our education process at schools in Slovakia but it didn´t manage to cancel it completely. Instead, it turned out to be the job at computers and staying in touch with teachers via the social media. That´s why I´ll be more active these days (yay!) I will be using this blog for my English studies and discussing the topics that may appear on my maturita exams that has been brought forward to May. My first one to discuss today will be, as the heading reveals, about the topic Our Idols and Heroes.

This article has been originally published on my English-Studies blog For more don ´t hesitate to subcribe there to stay tuned for the upcomming discussions and new topics!

I hope you´ll like it! 🙂